Sunday, November 29, 2009

Help a Sister Out

Holiday season is here and with it comes so many wonderful things, but I must admit, the consumerism can be a bit depressing at times. Do we really need more stuff?

What if... instead of buying THINGS for our loved ones, we gave them the gift of "helping a sister out"?

Equality Now is an international human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political and social rights of girls and women. They have done AMAZING work on so many issues including human trafficking, female genital mutilation and domestic violence. Check out their website at:
If you can't donate financially, there are other ways to help like participating in their letter writing campaigns.

Women for Women International helps women from war-torn regions overcome poverty and tragedy. Two years ago I sponsored a "sister" in the Congo, and this past year a "sister" in Serbia. In addition to supporting financially, volunteer opportunities are also available:

NOW (National Organization for Women) is here on the ground in the USA, and dedicated to eliminating sexism. Now THAT'S something I want for Christmas.

Happy holidays to all!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Get into Halloween

You got to love NYC on Halloween. By day it's fun watching a sea of small dragons, witches, ghosts and goblins.

By night the adults come out in full force. I spent the evening riding the subways and loitering in train stations, documenting the night. Fred & Wilma, Bernie Madoff, cats, devils, zombies, pirates, various super-heroes and even the swine flu were mixing and melding as the subway cars swayed to and fro.

Trick or treat?

These are a few of my favorite shots.